Tuesday 7 March 2017

Simple Pleasures

When I was home a lot of people asked what do I do when I'm not in work... I suppose the answer is not a lot! Life is much simpler here. We spend a lot of time chatting, cycling, baking, gardening and just pottering about. I read a lot more than I did back home and before the rains came we often watched films outdoors using the hospital projector. The highlight of the month is going to Chipata where we can go supermarket shopping, have ice cream at Steers and go in the swimming pool at Protea Hotel!

Life has a much slower pace. There's no hurry to do anything - you have time to smell the roses. The other day me, Tim, Benson and his son Chembuka spent the early evening going for a walk through the bush looking for some plants to transplant into Tim's garden...
Chembuka, Tim, Benson
For valentines day I made some gingerbread cookies. (I started writing the post a while ago...)
Only I didn't have any cookie cutters so I cut some hearts with a knife then got bored and made odd shapes...

Cycling on the 120kmph road #don'ttellmymum
Playing cards during a power cut
Nothing worth writing a blog about, but it's quite a pleasant life, really!


  1. I think it is hard to explain this to people back home. I loved living without a schedule, just waking up and seeing what the day brought and when I am in the States I think that "simple" life is what I miss the most about Ghana.

  2. Yeah it's so great. How's home? I think I saw you'd been back at BMC?
