Tuesday 10 January 2017

A small opportunity to make a big difference

A couple of days ago I was on call and was called in the middle of the night to see a girl on labour ward. She was a 19 year old primip (first time mum) who was having a prolonged labour. Following advise from my registrar James I prescribed her some oxytocin to make her contractions stronger. This is something we use regularly at home, and dramatically reduces the rate of needing to do c-sections for dangerously long labours. In many ways it's a fantastic drug, but you have to be careful not to give too much or you can make the contractions too strong/long which reduces the baby's blood flow from the placenta. This is relatively easy to monitor, by listening to the baby's heart rate frequently to check it doesn't drop - a sign of distress. If it does then the oxytocin infusion can be slowed down or stopped.

At home all women on oxytocin will have continuous monitoring of both their contractions and the baby's heart rate with a CTG - a fancy machine that draws lines showing how they fluctuate up and down. Here we have a pinard - a plastic or metal tube that you place on the lady's tummy and listen! 
We haven't used them in the UK for many years (outside of exams!). They're notoriously difficult to use, firstly just to find the baby's heart beat and then to count the beats - a happy baby should be going at 120-160 beats per minute, so that's pretty difficult to count accurately!

After starting oxytocin, the policy here is that the midwives listen in every 15 minutes and we review patients again at 2 hours to check they're progressing well. I went to see my lady at 2 hours and she was fully dilated, and had been pushing for 30minutes. The midwives were concerned that the baby had a big head and she was OP (back to back) which makes it much harder to deliver. They had recorded a good fetal heart beat throughout though, so I wasn't too concerned. I was just about to call James in to see if maybe we should try a suction delivery, but thought I'd see how well she was pushing first. The head came down really well so we kept going and within a few minutes the baby was out. 

When it came out it was blue and completely lifeless except a slow heart beat, making no effort to breath, let alone cry. I quickly rushed it over to the resuscitaire where me and one of the midwives bagged it for 20mins - doing the neonatal life support course before coming here was literally the best thing ever! Initially its heart rate picked up but it still wasn't making any effort to breath. Eventually after about 15 tense minutes it started gasping and then properly breathing for itself. When it was breathing regularly we transferred it to the Special Care Baby Unit for oxygen therapy (basically a very hot room with one oxygen concentrator which has split tubing for up to 4 babies). It looked seriously unwell, hardly moving, so I was really worried that it would have a hypoxic brain injury. In the morning it looked a LOT better, was moving all four limbs and crying, but it's really hard to know what the long term effect of that hypoxia will be. 

The next day I discussed the case with James - had I done something wrong by giving her the oxytocin? He reassured me that no, oxytocin was the exact right thing to do, if she hadn't had it she would have needed a c-section, which out here in a primip is an last resort because they normally go on to have 6-8 kids. No one wants to do a c-section in someone who's had more than 2 previously, let alone 7!

The trouble is, he said, we'll never really know exactly what happened because of the lack of accurate monitoring. The most likely thing is that the baby was having bradycardias (slow heart beat) but that the midwives weren't picking them up. Had they been picked up we could have slowed the rate of the oxytocin infusion or held it and given the baby a rest +/- taken her for a c-section. 

There's a fairly simple solution to this, and you may have guessed my ulterior motive for telling you this story! 

CTG's are incredibly expensive and delicate machines that wouldn't last long out here - in fact there actually is one in a store room, but it's unusable because it's run out of paper! (Like the ECG machine! Or maybe that one's run out of ink...) Instead I am hoping to obtain some handheld dopplers. These are simple devices that are basically a mini ultrasound that project the sound of the baby's heart beat and count the rate for you. Midwives in the UK use them for home deliveries. I've spoken to James about this suggestion and he agrees that having such a simple small device would a) encourage the midwives to listen in more regularly, for longer and b) give a much more accurate reading of the baby's heart rate, allowing us to pick up fetal distress and act on it much sooner. They're really not very expensive (about £30-40) and only need AA batteries and ultrasound gel - the first can be rechargeable and the second is something we have here anyway because we have an ultrasound machine.
A lot of people I have spoken to at home have said they wish they could do work like this, but don't have a career/personal life that would allow them to move halfway across the world. Would any of you like to help me and the team deliver babies more safely by investing in one of these devices? It would be an amazing gift to the hospital and I feel sure that it will significantly reduce the number of bad outcomes. There's also no worry about things getting lost-in-transit as I'm coming home next week for a job interview, so plan to take them back out with me when I return.

I imagine there are a few people who might be interested in helping us out so here are a few suggestions of things people might want to buy, with a variety of prices. If any of you are able to buy one of the following it would incredible! (Where I've put 4x gel etc I mean 4 people could buy one gel each)

2 x handheld Dopplers - £30-40 each (I'm waiting to hear back from my UK labour ward lead consultant on which one is best)
4 x ultrasound gel - £4.95 each (this one @ £2.50/any of them are also fine, but they seem to be add on items, so don't think you can buy them alone)
1 x battery charger (includes 4 AA batteries) - £17.99
4 x spare batteries - £7.79 each

If you do want to buy one of these things, firstly thank you SO much, and secondly please don't buy it without speaking to me first - partly because I'd like them to be sent to my mum's house and partly so I can make sure there are sensible numbers of each item, since I'll be carrying them! Also unless you've agreed with me first please only buy those specific ones as I've spent quite a long time looking through the different options and they seem to be the best combination of quality and value for money.

Thank you guys so much! Sorry this is an entirely shameless post asking for money! In a way I feel bad asking, but actually it's a fantastic way in which you can make a real difference to a significant number of people's lives without even getting off the sofa, and you know exactly where your money is going. We all spend a lot of money on ourselves, which of course isn't wrong, but it's so great to have an opportunity to be generous and to see the impact it makes. Lots of people wrote to me last week saying how good it was to be reminded of how much we have in the West, so this is a chance to use what you've got for good!

Being honest, I can't guarantee they won't be stolen, but the hospital is actually very good about keeping tabs on its equipment. The other week a glucose monitor went missing and there was a big commotion until it was found. Turns out it had just been borrowed by another ward. So I'm reasonably confident that they will stay put!

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